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MARCH 2016


Our theme for this month was know your worth. During a series of activities and discussions, mentors assisted the mentees with self reflection...realizing the importance of self-esteem, inner beauty, and goal setting. For mentee, Brittany, 11th grade, “this month’s Mentor Monday meetings [were] eye opening…[she] learned a lot about [her] fellow mentees’ and mentors’ goals and aspirations, as well as what they are self conscious about...but we encourage one another!” Samantha, 9th grade, noted “I learned how to express myself more and I’m able to speak my mind, I feel more comfortable when I’m with the group.”



Thank you to the healthcare and education professionals that served as panelists this month, during our Careers in Health and Careers in Education panels. Upon reflecting about the discussions had during this month, Nana, 11th grade, realized “one particular thing that has stuck with me doesn’t matter whether you do or don’t know what you want to achieve in life, but that you work hard at whatever it is you are doing...and persevere through any challenges you face.” We intend for these workshops to show our students that they are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to, Nana continued by highlighting the fact that she now knows, she “just [has] to trust and believe in [herself], and be willing to go outside [her] comfort zone.”


During our College Bound workshops, the professionals come to our students, but during our annual field trip, we take our students to the professionals. This trip provides our mentees with exposure to potential career paths, hearing firsthand from successful women who look like them. Ultimately, this opportunity serves as a means to inspire, motivate, and empower our young ladies to strive for goals that they previously believed to be unattainable.

Thank you to the ladies on Capitol Hill, Google DC, and the White House, for taking time out of your busy schedules to make this trip such a huge success, it was truly an invaluable experience. Roshanna, 11th grade, realized that while “there are not a lot of women of color who work in these positions…[she] just need to to try [her] best at whatever it is in life it is that [she] wants to doing [her] best, there's no telling where it will lead [her].” A key part of this trip was showing the students the importance of networking, mentee Rashonna continued by saying, “always try to make connections with different people because you never know who may end up being your boss one day or who you may end up working with.”

Capitol Hill

Google DC

The White House


This month, we volunteered with Leveling the Playing Field in Silver Spring. Hersona, 10th grade, “learned how many people are not as fortunate, and enjoyed helping sort all of the donations that will be given away to different schools.” While our service events are our way of giving back to our community, it is also a great opportunity for our mentees to gain a greater appreciation for what they have. Sydney, 11th grade, learned that she “should be grateful for everything [she has] because there is someone out there who doesn't always have what they want or need.”


A critical component of Imara Roose programing is the monthly one-on-one meetings between Bigs and Littles. Here are a few highlights of the bonding activities that took place during the month of March.

Joan and Keona took advantage of the nice weather with Rita’s.

Sydney and Saron spent the day at the National Portrait Gallery,

did a bit of shopping, and dinner.

Nickeisha and Nabriya had dinner.

Kadija and Denisha enjoyed a day in the park.

Aminata and Modupe saw a 3D movie and chatted over frozen yogurt.


Mark your calendars, our spring benefit concert is less than THREE WEEKS away! We have a great show lined up, but we need your help to make the show a success. Please be sure to spread the word and attend this event, Friday April 22, 2016, 7PM, Eleanor Roosevelt High School. Come hang out with the ladies of your favorite mentoring program and enjoy an evening of entertainment.


Help Imara Roose expand and make a greater impact on our students and community. Consider getting involved in one or more ways, click the links below.

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